Thursday, May 1, 2008

One Week

Just seven more days and the first year will be behind us. I remember having one week left until my scheduled C-Section. Dear Ella was breach, shoved in there underneath Aidan, who was transverse and had hogged all of the food for 9 months! I was still as active as ever, running errands and putting the final touches on the nursery. We even went out to dinner at my favorite place (Miro) the night before the C-Section!!

I don’t know why, but I am feeling so darn bittersweet, almost depressed, these days. Maybe it is because Ella and Aidan (we are 99.9% sure) will be our only children. Maybe I am a bit sad at the thought of never being pregnant again – oh how I loved being pregnant. I loved every single minute. I never had a single problem – no bedrest, no blood pressure issues, no questionable ultrasounds, nothing. And I carried them 38 weeks, 6 days. More than full term for twins.

At any rate, I am excited, but also sad. Our little babies are not babies anymore, and I sort of feel like I missed half of it. Perhaps living in a sleep deprived state of mind has that effect on a body….but I want it back.

I want all those moments and memories back.

There were so many times that I (well, Mike too!) just wanted a break – just wanted to run away and hide. I hate myself for ever feeling that way. Funny thing is, if we did get a break and went out to a quick meal, all we did (and still do to this day) was talk about, think about, and miss the babies.

We are parents now. Through and through. Every move and decision we make is with them in mind. I don’t even remember what life was like before having them.

Heck, I don’t care to remember.

Nothing can be as fantastically fulfilling as the life we now have.

1 comment:

Ria Verdolaga said...

Wow your babies are so cute. :) I want to have my own someday, and I hope that they would be just as adorable. :)