Monday, May 5, 2008

My Dear Friends

My “adoptive” IVF Mom!! You understand the heartache and pain of what infertility is like – you “get” it. When so many others just made stupid comments about relaxing or adopting – you were there cheering me on!! I don’t think I can say thank you enough for all that you have done for me. You were there each and every single step of the way. Really, you were one of the very few who would call or email nearly every day to see how things were going. You got me through two rounds of IVF, a miscarriage, bedrest between retrieval and transfer, and my entire pregnancy. You were the very first (aside from family) to see us the day the babies were born. You were just as excited as we were!!

Sara, Jen, Clai
Each of you also came to see the babies in the hospital. It meant so much to me that you guys each came right over and couldn’t wait to see the babies. You all supported me through three years of stress, and I am deeply grateful for your friendship over the years!!

Juliane and Elizabeth
My twin Mom co-horts – you guys rescued me from the depths of solitary confinement with the twins all day, and have become such a source of strength and inspiration to me this past year. Twins are hard work – really hard – but no one really understands that except those that have multiples.

It must be so funny for others to see 3 Moms and 6 babies in their double stroller monstrosities – all together – either walking through the mall or sitting having lunch in a restaurant. It is quite a sight to see!

To think that the babies all just used to lay around on the floor – they didn’t even roll over yet when we all first started having playdates. Now they are crawling / cruising and practically walking!!

I love you two dearly – from formula and bottles to baby food to whole milk and people food – each of us has almost made it through the first year – and we did it together!

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