Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Party!!!

We could not have asked for a better day! The weather was perfect and all details came into place just perfectly. We had about 50 people (20+ children!) attend and I think that everyone had a really good time!

Ella and Aidan were a real hoot with their cakes…especially Aidan…he dove right in without a moment’s hesitation and loved every minute of it. Ella was a bit more hesitant, and ended up not liking all of the frosting on her hands.

Everything about the day was simply perfect – and was just as I envisioned it when I began planning it a few months ago. Really, it was more of a celebration of surviving the first year. Each and every person in attendance contributed in some way to us making it through without losing our minds. From neighbors who simply gave us ideas to calm a colicky Ella and encouraged us that it would get easier, to family who tirelessly gave both time and resources.

All in all, the party was a milestone in more ways than one.

A few pictures before the guests arrived...

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