Saturday, May 10, 2008

Your Birthday Recap

Well, little ones, the day did not start out too great. For some reason, you were both up back and forth all night the night before. And I mean ALL night long. It started at about 10:30 with Ella…followed not even 1 hour later with Aidan. I did not get even 30 minutes of sleep, and I think that each of you may have averaged about 2 hours. To top it off, I tripped coming up the concrete stairs by the kitchen door and jammed my big toe pretty badly. It is all black and blue and swollen!

At any rate, we were all up and ready for the day at 6 AM. It was a very rainy and yucky morning. After breakfast we all played for a while and waited for Daddy to get home. He had taken the day off to be with the family. You both went down for your 9 AM naps just fine and slept for about 2 hours. You both woke up around 11 AM and we dressed you in your adorable “Birthday Girl” and “Birthday Boy” t-shirts! You had a yummy lunch, which Daddy fed to you both. I had a ton of errands to do in preparation for your party, so Daddy let me take off for a few hours. Once I returned, you were both waking up from your afternoon nap and Daddy had gotten called back to an electrical job. So, I fed you your afternoon snack and off we went to our play date.

By this time, the weather had totally cleared up and it turned into an absolutely beautiful day of about 80 degrees. When we arrived at Elizabeth’s house (Gabriella and Jason’s Mom), Juliane was already there with Patrick and Finnegan, and they had made a sign on the front door saying Happy 1st Birthday! And then when we got inside, we were even more surprised - Juliane had made cupcakes for everyone, and you guys both had your first taste of something really sweet. Sadly, you were not really interested since your bellies were already full. Nonetheless, all six of you had a wonderful time playing together.

5 PM came too soon and it was time to leave to head to your Birthday dinner at On the Border with Grandaddy and Grandma. You two were sooooooo well behaved and everyone just adored you! Ella was showing off her waving Bye-Bye skills to everyone in the restaurant, and Aidan was smiling and laughing with everyone – and playing hide and seek across the table with Grandaddy. They had brought you each a balloon and you were both fascinated with them.

After dinner, we all came home and you opened your presents from Great Aunt Kiki and Uncle Gary. She had sent you each a book as a “pre-gift” with a note saying that your real gift would arrive with Opa and Grandma Suzy on Saturday.

Then we had quick bath and it was off to bed. All in all it was a wonderful day! Your Uncle Christopher and Aunt Emily arrived late last night night, and Opa and Grandma Suzy arrive sometime today. Your Great Aunt Mimi should be arriving anytime as well, and your Great Grandmother (Mema) also arrived last night. Everyone is so excited to celebrate today at your party!

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