Weight: 21 pounds 12 ounces (50-75 %)
Height: 31 inches (95%)
Head: 18.5 (90-95%)
Weight: 26 pounds (90%)
Height: 32 inches (97%)
Head: 18.5 (50-75%)
They both received their Prevnar and Chicken Pox vaccinations. Mike and I decided to hold off on the MMR (AKA the infamous Autism shot) vaccine for now….neither one of us are fans of giving them too many injections at once, and quite frankly, the MMR scares the heck out of both of us. So, we have the option of waiting until at least 18 months if we choose.
The Dr was pleased at our success with taking them off of formula and getting them onto whole milk (only organic in this household!). In addition, they are off of bottles and take all of their fluids in their sippy cups. He also cleared the way for a little bit of peanut butter and honey since no one in our families has any history of extensive food allergies. He did suggest holding off on shellfish until 3 years of age. Other than that, the world of food is wide open for them now!!
On another note, Ella has 8 teeth (4 across the top and 4 across the bottom) and Aidan has 7 teeth (4 across the top and 3 across the bottom).
I shared my concerns with the Dr about how they were such late crawlers…and late to start pulling up on things as well. Aidan sort of cruises…but not really. Ella – not at all. He once again eased my fears (to some degree) and assured me that they will do it on their own time. They both have excellent muscle tone..and the ability to cruise…they just don’t seem to have the desire.
On the flip side, they are well above average in terms of cerebral measurements. Both are excessive babblers and “talk” constantly. They both love books and love to “read” both to themselves and to others by pointing at the pictures and babbling. They know where certain body parts are and are learning the sounds that various animals make..they love to make truck sounds!
They both love to clap and wave…even saying “Hi” and Bye”. Ella can even whistle! They both also know their names – and acknowledge (but don’t necessarily respect) the word “No”. Their imitation and comprehension skills are way above average.
So, the Dr basically said that babies tend to develop faster in one area before really focusing on the other. While many others their age (and younger!) are cruising and even walking, some are like Ella and Aidan and are focusing the majority of their growth right now in their brains. In the end, all babies tend to even out within the second year and at some point and we will all reach the same skill levels.
Then he said what really made me feel better….that as a pediatrician, he would much rather see them ahead of the game cerebrally than in the physical gross motor skill arena.
And with that, we were off….
After their nap, we took a ride in the car to celebrate.
Why was that ride in the car so special?
Because we have graduated from rear facing and are now forward facing!!!
Ella practicing her whistling skills:
Aidan enjoying the ride:
Ella and her famous "smile":
1 comment:
Ok, I think Aidan is officially bigger than Kerith, who is almost 9 months older! (Well, she still has 1/4" on him in height I guess, but probably not for long!) I'm with you on the autism concerns - we are just starting shots again post-treatment and I'm having a hard time making decisions after sifting through all the information. Kudos to your pediatrician for being open to letting you wait!
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