Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scenes from Saturday

After last night's thunderstorms, it was wonderful to wake up to sunny skies this morning. Despite Mike having to work today, the kids and I were determined to enjoy the spring-like weather!

I began the day without any expectations or set plans, and it turned out to be one of the best days in quite a while!

We first found ourselves at the bagel shop before 8 AM where Ella and Aidan each picked out their own "meal". It was not even 9 AM yet when we finished and I just could not bring myself to start errands this early. So, on the way home I made an impromptu turn into the parking lot for the nearest greenway, telling myself that I would make one circle through the jam packed parking lot - if there was a spot, we would get out...if there was no spot, then our errands would begin.

Luck was on our side and we landed a parking spot! Off we went onto the greenway trail in search of, according to Ella and Aidan, sheep, bears and trucks.

As anyone with young toddlers can attest, walking a nice trail lends itself to 20 steps forward, 12 steps to the left side, then 25 steps to the right, and then backwards another 10 steps. Needless to say, we were on the trail for an hour and a half and only made it about 1/4 of a mile! We had a fantastic time greeting all of the joggers, dogs and cyclists (Ella and Aidan said either Hello or Good Morning to each and every passerby - I kid you not!), picking up sticks, gathering "sticky balls", finding worms, and playing in puddles.

By the time we made it back to the car both Ella and Aidan were requesting to see the alligator at Harris Teeter, so off we went.

Can you believe that through all of this fun I did not have a camera with me? I literally felt naked all morning!

After the grocery store it was time to burn off some more energy - so we headed down to the cul-de-sac with the scooters (and my beloved camera).

I have no idea how they instictively knew how to operate a scooter, but off they went!

We all missed having Daddy around today, but we made the most of the wonderful weather anyway!

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