Saturday, November 21, 2009

One of the Many Things

One of the many things I am grateful for this season is that Ella and Aidan have been able to attend preschool two days a week. While I treasure the break and the ability to accomplish a few errands and tasks sans kiddos, I am more grateful for the experiences that preschool provides for both of them.

Sure, we have helped them to learn their full names, good manners, their ABC's, how to count to 20, dozens of songs and nursery rhymes, and much more.

Sure, we make it a priority to surround them with love and friends - plenty of playdates and opportunities to experience sharing, giving, and interacting with other little boys and girls their same age.

Sure, we love to take them a variety of places and expose them to the wonders of the world.

But we are not trained teachers, and can only do so much.

Preschool affords them the opportunity for so much more, and I am ever so grateful for their wonderful teachers and all that they do!

Thank you Miss Phyllis and Miss Kellie!


Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

I only hope that the boys can have such a wonderful experience in preschool soon!

Paula said...


Elizabeth said...

WOW they got all those two year olds in one picture, too cute!