Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Little Wonders

I'm grateful for how Ella and Aidan’s little eyes absorb the world around them....

....looking to discover something new, and almost always filled with wonder....

....seeing beauty in things we dismissed long ago: rolly-pollies, hunting for acorns, or a cyclist peddling by....

....sharing the joy in children's first-time experiences and the process of little people creating beauty when given the opportunity to do so....

....little hands at work (play)....

....that children are uninhibited... without a care as to how they might appear to others.

On days when the squabbling, bickering, yelling and whining threaten to overwhelm me; on days when the Cheerio crumbs between my toes and the fingerprints on the windows make my head spin; on days when the incessant questions, diaper changes and maddening repetitiveness of toddler activities drive me almost bonkers; on days when I haven't the energy to change out of my pajamas or clip my fingernails, much less anyone else's; on days when I want to bang my head against the wall, or better yet to run away; on days when no one will leave me alone.

On days like that, it is the sweet small moment in time that flutters in, the genuine little glimpse of goodness that arrives, if only fleetingly, which, like a flash in the pan, makes a bright but brief appearance and serves to gently remind me before it's gone that...

...there is a reason why I do what I do. 

And it is more than worth every minute!


Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

I know how grateful Aidan and Ella are to have such a wonderful Mom.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!!!! -Dana

Elizabeth said...

So sweet, they both have such big bright eyes :)