Friday, November 13, 2009

Flashback Friday

As I think back through the past 2+ years......

One Week Old

One Year Old

Two Years Old

....I am in constant amazement at how simultaneously fun and utterly frustrating two 2 year-olds can be. Ella, in particular, can go from angel baby to the featured kid on Supernanny in under 10 seconds. And, as quickly as the tantrums come on (and for no apparent reason), they go. And what’s left are fun little people with emerging language skills, quirky senses of humor, and admirable, albeit unattainable (even with buckets of caffeine) energy levels.

Do I think the Twos are Terrible? Not even close. Overall, I would say that two totally rocks. Ella and Aidan are filled with such a sense of curiosity and excitement about their world that it’s virtually impossible not to catch some of it. Ella thinks animals are cool people with fur. Aidan is obsessed with school buses, airplanes, and every other means of major transportation. They both would rather run around outside while it pours cats and dogs than be cooped up in the house.

These days I am starting to feel more like a mom and less like a caretaker. Don’t get me wrong – at least 60% of my day still consists of wiping behinds, cleaning noses, and feeding on demand (mostly crackers and fruit bars).

But, the other 40% is filled with some pretty fun stuff.

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