Saturday, June 20, 2009


I must start saying YES to Ella and Aidan more often. 

It seems like we are often rushing through our days - the morning scramble is so structured: get up, pick out clothes, eat breakfast, change clothes, sunscreen, out the door to the morning’s activities. The nighttime routine is also structured: wash hands, eat dinner, clean up, play, bath, bedtime. 

There seems to be much NO in our house: from me, from Mike, from the kids.  For some reason, I cannot stop thinking about how I can incorporate more YES into our days without feeling resentment about the lost time. 

Just yesterday morning I needed to make a quick run into Michaels (the craft store).  I know from experience that this store is much better suited to have Ella and Aidan in the stroller (well, any store is an easier trip with them in a stroller for that matter!).

 However, true to form these days, as I began unloading the stroller, Ella started to wail and scream “Walk Mommy, NO stroller”. Some things simply have not changed since she was a newborn – she still DESPISES the stroller.

While she despises the stroller, I despise manhandling a screaming, writhing toddler into the stroller, not to mention the looks of disgust I get from other mothers who happen to be around to witness the apparent torture that I am inflicting upon my daughter.  Also, not to mention the hearing damage that Aidan is sure to have experienced after two years now of sitting quietly next to said screaming Ella.  If you have ever heard Ella scream, you understand what I mean.

So, I decided to say YES.

I also allowed each of them to carry with them their beloved “books” (AKA the DVD cases for Toy Story and Shrek).  Aidan is especially obsessed with Buzz Lightyear and loves his “book” so much that it has been by his side non-stop (yes, even for naps and overnight) for the past 3-4 days.  I think it is his new lovey!

So, we walked – the three of us, hand in hand into Michaels.  And they were wonderful.  We took our time and cruised up and down the various isles checking out stamps, stickers, colored paper, wooden animals, play hats, etc.  We eventually found exactly what I was looking for and headed up to the register.

At the register, they stood by my side  and proudly showed the cashier “Buzz” and “Shrek”.  It was a great experience and was so nice to have shoppers comment about how cute and well behaved they were for once rather than giving me the evil eye because someone in the stroller is miserable and making it known quite loudly throughout the store.

What I think I learned yesterday by saying YES to my kids is that I am also saying YES to myself. That by creating these moments for my kids, I am also creating moments for myself. I thought I was doing it for them, but in turn, I got so much out of it for me!

Try it yourself sometime. 

Say yes today rather than no.

1 comment:

Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

I say YES to this beautifully written Post. (And NO to the boys, who asked for a whale yesterday) xoxo