Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Beach Trip - Day 4 (Sunday)

Sunday was our last day at the beach.  We made one last short walk on the beach before packing up and hitting the road at about 9:45 AM - but not for home! 

We just had to go to Ocean Isle Beach.  All weekend we kept talking about how sad we were not to have gone to Ocean Isle.  Don't get me wrong, our hotel was simply amazing, and I cannot think of one single complaint.  It's just that Myrtle Beach just isn't "us".  We went there to give it a try, but decided that it is just a bit too commercial and packed with way too many people. 

So, off we went to our beach - Ocean Isle. 

We took the kids out on the pier and realized right away just how much cleaner the sand was, not to mention how much less populated and crowded the beach was!   

We all enjoyed a wonderful lunch at our favorite restaurant, The Giggling Mackerel.  Ella's hair cracks me up in these pictures...she may have Mike's hairline, but she has my hair - very thin and fine, and it all goes completely curly and haywire in the humidity! 

Aidan loved the seasoned fries, and Ella tried her hand at eating corn on the cob!

After lunch we continued our annual tradition and bought the kids each a new Ocean Isle t-shirt (they are way too big for their ones from last year) and hit the road headed for home.

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