Thursday, June 25, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

After a busy Saturday spent cleaning and organizing, Opa and Mommy Shushi arrived in time to see the kids before I put them to bed. What fun it is when they arrive!!

Sunday was spent going out for brunch and playing with the kids.  While the kids napped that afternoon, Mike and I went to see his Dad for a little Father’s Day visit.  When we got home, Opa and Mommy Shushi were having a total blast with the kids on the front yard.  They had enjoyed popsicles, played in Opa’s car and had discovered the joy of the garden hose!

On Monday we spent a wonderful morning at IKEA browsing the store and having fun together! We really didn’t do much else that afternoon.  We ordered BBQ from Mac’s and had a wonderful meal with the kids.  Mom made her awesome baked beans and potato salad - who could ask for anything more?!

On Tuesday Mike had to work, but the rest of us spent the morning at the Nature Center.  We attempted to sit through a puppet show, but as soon as the puppets came on stage Ella began screaming.  I took her outside of the room while Opa stayed with Aidan, who only lasted about 10 minutes before he was bored.  

After the Nature Center we all enjoyed a nice long lunch at Cantina 1511. Aidan was hilarious – he wanted nothing to do with anyone but Opa and talked the entire meal telling Opa “Fries, Good” over and over again.  Once we mentioned the ice cream for dessert, he chanted over and and over “Ice Cream, Coming, Coming, I wait!”


After lunch the kids requested to play in Opa's car again.

Ella got the biggest kick out of the top going up and down! She is saying "Oh My! and Oh Boy!" in the picture!

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