Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mealtime Games

At nearly every meal, Aidan is bound to finish eating first.  Once he is "released" from the horrible trap known as his booster seat, he plays with Ella while the poor girl tries to finish eating her meal. 

This began as running around the room and hiding behind her chair playing peek-a-boo - and they both LOVED that game (and yes, they both still love to wear those pumpkin hats!).  

Now; however, it has developed into a toe-tickle game.  Aidan discovered that he could crawl underneath the table and grab Ella's feet. She finds it hilarious and, in her usual bossy tone, barks out instructions - "Aidan, tickle toes now!"!

It is actually quite funny to watch, and they both have so much fun!



Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

that is so darn cute! look at Aidan and that fantastic smile - love it!

Anonymous said...

Very cute. -Dana