Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our Trip to Ocean Isle Beach - Part 3 (Coming Home)

Day three began with exhausted parents. Both Ella and Aidan decided that since they were on vacation, anything goes. So, they conspired to both wake up at 1 AM...and "play" until about 4 AM. They came into bed with us (thankfully, we had a king size bed), and took turns climbing, laughing, rolling, poking and pacifier stealing for nearly three hours until Aidan finally crashed.

Ella decided that sleeping on me was the only acceptable location, so I propped myself up and let her sleep on my chest....with her bunny. She has this pink bunny that one of my Dad's clients gave her when she was born (Aidan has a blue one). Both of them adore these bunnies....but Ella has developed a particular attachment to hers. She has a certain spot on the bunny's ear that she rubs between her fingers as she falls asleep.

It was another early start to the day, but this was the day we were going home, so we knew that we would be "saved" by their cribs in their own rooms that evening!

We made one last trip down to the beach, went to lunch, and headed home.

The drive home was great...Aidan slept the entire four hours, and Ella woke up for about the last 45 minutes or so, but was happy entertaining herself with car toys.

All in all it was a wonderful little getaway, and we are so glad that we had the opportunity to take them to the beach this summer. We would have loved to go last year, but they were still so young, and we were still adjusting to life at home with two little ones. Taking the show in the road would have been a bit too much to handle.

They are only this little once, and the memories we now carry in our hearts are priceless!

Next trip - Pennsylvania for my little brother's wedding on June 21!!

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