Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our Trip to Ocean Isle Beach - Part 2

Day two started out with well rested parents and well rested babies! Both Ella and Aidan slept the entire night in their own "beds" (i.e. pack-n-plays). Ella was the first one up at 6:30 AM - which is not like her....she will typically sleep until at least 7:30.

At any rate, we had breakfast and then let the babies play for a while in the room until it was time for their morning nap.

After their nap, we went and had a nice long lunch...

What do you suppose Ella is saying? Aidan did have his own table topper, but he insisted in ripping it to pieces:

By the time we got back to the hotel it was time for their afternoon nap.

Sweet Aidan sound asleep:

Sweet Ella sound asleep:

Sidenote - in the world of newborns and toddlers, your life seems to become a series of about 2.5 - 3 hour increments of the daily, play, sleep. There are many who do not adhere to any type of schedule for their little ones, but we do. I am a firm believer that they need routine and schedule....and I also firmly believe that we have two fantastic sleepers, fantastic eaters, and generally healthy, happy and well-balanced babies as a result of our own parental discipline).

After their nap, it was time to have some real fun.

We packed everything up and headed down to the beach...what a sight we were....we tried to assemble this tent / cabana type thing that we had brought, but that was a joke - it was just too windy. So, Mike went to take it back to the car, and left me alone on the beach with the babies.

All I will say is that I was laughed at by two ladies who were relaxing in the sun with their cooler full of drinks. Aidan and Ella were everywhere....apparently they had already conspired with each other to head off in two different directions in an attempt to wear us out completely! To top it off, I was carrying the camera desperately trying to capture all of these special moments!!

Lets both eat as much sand as we can!:

Aidan made a beeline for the ocean. Ella made a beeline for the "lounging ladies" before discovering that they were complete strangers - at which point she panicked in her search to find me. I had left her to save Aidan from heading face first into the ocean and was about 10 feet away. I had her in the corner of my eye, and watched her erupt as I scooped up Aidan and brought him back to our towel. By the time I made it to Ella, he was off again.

Sneaky boy:

Ha! I caught him being still for a moment:

Aidan still hates his hat:

This continued for the 15 minutes or so that Mike was gone. All the while, I listened to the ladies laughing at me dashing back and forth chasing these two little adventurers!

Despite the chaos, we had a fantastic time..Aidan absolutely loved the ocean and had not one ounce of fear. Ella shrieked and pulled her feet into the air the minute they hit the water. Mike took Aidan out into the ocean while I stayed back with Ella, who was clinging to me like a little monkey! I eventually got her to calm down and was able to put her into the wet sand.....she even allowed a few waves to trickle up to her.

He will be walking before we know it:

After the beach, it was back to the pool for some swimming. They both loved kicking and splashing...and once again pitched a fit when it was time to leave.

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