Friday, August 12, 2011

Six Weeks

Lauren is six weeks old today!

She is slowly starting to improve in the colic arena. We switched her formula again because the Alimentum was causing her a bit of constipation, so she is now on Nutramigen (even more expensive!), which is working out beautifully for her! 

Lauren has also been blessing us with a few four-hour stretches throughout the night, which is such a relief! We have moved her to her own room, though she does still sleep in her little bassinet / rocker instead of the crib because it is angled and helps with her reflux.

We are having regular "baby" playdates with her three other July birthday buddies and they are so much is an entirely different experience (dare I say almost relaxing?) just managing one little baby - granted, I always have Ella and Aidan along as well, but all of us in the playgroup also have older children, so they have kids their age to play with while we chat about baby stuff! 

The most fun news of this stage is getting the first smiles! They are still pretty fleeting and rare, and it is nearly impossible to capture on camera just yet, but she is definitely smiling in response to us!

And yes, in case you notice, Lauren does not have blue eyes - they are a brown to hazel color.

Here is a cute out-take from the "little black dress" photos....figures that the one good smile I catch on film that my camera would go blurry and out of focus on me for some reason....but you can tell that she is indeed smiling!

1 comment:

Holly said...

She is certainly adorable. Congrats on your new addition!