Thursday, August 4, 2011

Family Fun

We all had a different variation of family fun over the past few days...

On Sunday morning, we all enjoyed a bagel breakfast, and then with big alligator tears, I sent Ella and Aidan off with Mike to head to Highlands to spend a few nights up in the mountains with Opa.

They decided to take the scenic route, yet as predicted, there was a small amount of boredom in the backseat....

....once they had lunch, it was off to to a local waterfall....

..... and the fun continued the next day with Ella and Aidan going fishing for the first time, where Ella caught the first fish, and Aidan caught the largest fish. Apparently, Ella was terrified of the fish once it was out of the water and flopping around, hence Opa holding the rod and her holding on to Opa....

.....after a quick stop at an overlook.... was off to feed the ducks....

....the day was capped off with a long evening swim and a fish dinner! 

Mike, Opa and the kids had tons of fun - what an amazing trip!

I spent my free time by having lunch on Sunday with my dear friend Amy. Lauren was an angel and slept the entire time, looking adorable in her little outfit with the big bow....

Much to my surprise, at about 5 PM Sunday evening the doorbell rang and Grandma Shushi was at the front door - having come to spend a few nights with Lauren and I!

Sunday evening we had a wonderful rainstorm, so we spent over an hour just sitting and rocking on the front porch....

Monday we enjoyed a nice lunch out at The Village Tavern....

....before spending the rest of the day relaxing at home and watching movies....

....Tuesday found us out to lunch again....

....before Grandma Shushi had to leave to head back to Atlanta.

Even though we were apart as a family, we spent some wonderful, quality family time with Opa and Grandma Shushi and had a fantastic few days!

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