Friday, August 5, 2011

Preschool Playdate

I had my first real adventure yesterday with all three little ones! We ventured to Discovery Place Kids for the morning with our friends from preschool - Adams and Henry, Kayla, Tom, and our new classmate Jack.

What a fantastic place! It is a little crazy with all of the kids running around, but this place had everything imaginary and pretend play for the kiddos - from a grocery store, restaurant and Dr office to a firetruck, an airplane, a boat and a tractor.

Ella and Aidan have been chatting about it non-stop and are begging to go back again soon!

The kids all had a wonderful time and we even braved taking everyone to Lupie's Cafe across the street for lunch (well, that was pretty much mayhem considering that 4 of us Moms also had young ones in strollers - one of them another set of twins!).

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