Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mom's Day at the Beach

We woke up Sunday morning to what turned out to be absolutely the most perfect day at the beach! A sunny morning with just a bit of a chill in the air, a slight ocean breeze, cloudless blue sky and zero humidity.

Needless to say, we were down on the beach as soon as possible! Ella and Aidan collected shells and played in the sand.

Despite the fact that they were not color coordinated, Ella and Aidan's beach attire was simply not complete without their new Buzz Lightyear and Minnie Mouse beach hats!

(Notice one little munchkin with no diaper, and one still with the swim diaper. Oh well, I guess one out of two isn't bad - at least I am halfway there)!

We even chased a few birds....

....and took a little walk / jog down the beach to the pier. I just love how there is no one else in sight!

Eventually we headed up to the indoor pool where both Ella and Aidan swam until their skin was pruny and their lips were blue!

After a nice lunch (where oh-so creative Daddy made boats)....

....we hit the road for home with two very tired and happy little three-year olds! A perfect end to a wonderful weekend!


Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

So glad you had a great Mother's Day!

The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said...

How lovely it must have been.... ^_^