Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ella & Aidan's 3rd Birthday Party!

Each year we have tried to host Ella and Aidan's birthday party with a theme pertaining to something that they are both "into" at the time...something age appropriate and that reflects the two of them and their respective interests.

Last year the clear winner was a zoo theme, as they were both were fascinated with any and all animals.

This year was a bit more difficult. When I sat down and really thought about each of them, it became very clear just how they are very much little individuals these days.

Ella is into everything princess and Minnie Mouse while Aidan is all about cars & trucks, and Buzz Lightyear.

However; there is one thing that they both adore - ice cream! And who better to host an ice cream shindig than Ben & Jerry's!!

During the party, Opa could not help himself and just had to have some Cherry Garcia!

We had a wonderful morning with Ella and Aidan's good friends! To conclude the festivities, everyone got to take home their tie-dyed shirts along with the party favors - ice cream cone bubbles and a certificate for a free scoop of ice cream for everyone!

After the party we headed out to lunch, where Ella and Aidan used their new magnifying glasses (or "fun glasses" as they call them) to look for bugs and clues!

Despite all of my best efforts, I could not manage to get Ella & Aidan to cooperate for a family instead, this year we just have a parent photo!


Amy said...

What a fun day! And I love the picture of you and your handsome hubby. (and your top is super-cute)

Anonymous said...

Great picture of you and Michael! -Dana