Friday, May 15, 2009

Two Years

Ella and Aidan had their two-year appointment earlier this week. 

I remember sitting in the waiting room when they were babies in their stroller watching the bigger kids play with the toys. In my head I was thinking that my kids will NOT play with the gross, germ ridden toys at the doctors office. EWWWWW. Ha! Jokes on me! Guess who ran right over and started playing with the trucks and blocks. Gross Dr. office germs. Then in the examination room they were running around in their diapers – even crawling on the floor to point out the various colored shapes. SO GROSS! But really, what can you do? They want them stripped down for the weigh-in and they were NOT content to sit on laps or be held the whole time. We made sure to sanitize them really well in the car, but boy have the times surely changed. You think you have it all figured out and in your head you have a list of things that you would never do. Then the day-to-day hits and you do all that you can just to survive. 

So, here they are, the two-year stats:


Weight: 29 pounds (50-75 %)

Height: 36 ¼ “ (90%)

Head Circumference: 19 ½ “ (75%)


Weight: 26.4 pounds (25-50 %)

Height: 36” (90%)

Head Circumference: 19 ¼ “ (75%)

They are both right on target for everything. I love that, with a little direction, they can both sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Itsy Bitsy Spider!  They both have both bottom 2-year molars – just the top ones are left and then we are done with teething!

Ella, in fact, is on par with the level of a 3-year old in terms of her vocabulary and skill set.  She can count to 10, name all of her colors, shapes and letters of the alphabet. She also speaks in 4-5 word complete sentences.  She is very pigeon-toed (just like me!) but the Dr said not to worry at all – she will likely outgrow it.

Aidan is catching up to Ella very quickly.  He had a bit of a slower start in terms of vocabulary, but he is not far behind at all!  He can count to 4 (sometimes 5), name all shapes and letters of the alphabet, and is getting much better at colors.

We got the OK to switch to skim milk, but I am still going to continue giving them vitamins. We don’t go back until their 3-year well visit, and there are no more injections until they turn 5!


Dearest Ella and Aidan,

Two years ago, we couldn't wait to meet you. They put you both on my chest, and I could hardly believe you were real. 

Happy Birthday, not quite so little ones. You fill our hearts, you light our days. Thank you for being ours.


Little spitfire so full of sass. You are such a jokester. You make me laugh so much, sometimes even when I shouldn’t. You are a patience tester and are really working on testing out the limits these days.  You are now fully aware of the concept of timeout, and are very good about marching yourself over to the timeout chair without me having to place you there. 

You are very tuned in to people’s emotions, especially Aidan’s.  If he lets out the slightest of whines or begins to cry, you immediately come to me and tell me “Aidan sad and crying!”

When you first meet new people you are very shy and serious. They would never know how much of a little imp you are under the serious facade. You are very quick to smile and just as quick to go crazy.

You love dogs, balloons, wearing your jewelry and certain hats - and wearing your “pink” shoes. You love to give me big squeezes and of course you still love your bunny – with the newest addition of Abby, the dog / blanket. You have started to pretend play and will feed your dolls and pretend to mix things in a bowl and give me a bite.

If you are awake, you are talking non-stop!  Your vocabulary is simply amazing – Daddy calls you a little parrot because you repeat everything we say! You talk to yourself a lot – when we are in the car you have entire conversations with yourself!  You love to count and are always walking around counting from 1-10 over and over again.  Even during meals you will pick up pieces of food, count them and place them into small piles.

You are very much a Mommy’s girl and I love every minute. The moments you want to sit and cuddle with me are precious. You even say “I love you Mommy”, which have to be the most beautiful words I have ever heard!  You are still a little timid with strangers and get scared from loud noises.

I don’t mind one bit that every time a motorcycle or a large truck passes by outside you come running to me. I hope you always come to me when you need something. I hope you always know how much I love you and how very, very special you are.


As always, I will say that you are still so very sweet, loving, fun, cuddly, and happy. You are very ticklish and we have a lot of fun getting your legs and belly and hearing you laugh so hard you get the hiccups. Your laugh lights up your whole face and causes the rest of us to laugh with you. You love to give kisses. 

Everything is “BIG” to you right now….big truck, big tree, big book, big couch, big Daddy!  You are also wanting to touch everything you see.  We went on a walk around the neighborhood the other day and you ran from tree to tree yelling “Touch Big Tree!”. 

You are still an incredibly picky eater, and exist primarily on fruits (any and all kinds!) and grilled cheese.  Your latest habit during meals is to hide food under your placemat so that we think you have actually eaten it! 

You are seriously all boy. While Ella picks flowers or plays with dolls you chase around the big kids or play in the dirt. You are still very much a Daddy’s boy and the minute he gets home from work you run over and hold your arms up to him.

You share very well and you are very tolerant of your toy-stealing sister – and you seem to find great delight when she is reprimanded and sent to time out for taking your toy for the third, fourth, fifth……time.

You have a new game at bedtime – you find it hilarious to toss items out of your crib and shout “uh-oh” over and over until we come back upstairs to give it back and lay you back down again.  This can go on and on for at least an hour!

You have really come out of your shell these past couple of months and your vocabulary is really beginning to take off. 

My little man, you are such a handsome, wonderful little boy who lights up my life like no other could. 

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