Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Words

Both Ella and Aidan are learning new words each day. They each have about 6-8 words right now ("uh-oh" being the most frequently heard word in the household these days!), and it is so cute to see them starting to use words to communicate. I narrate everything I do these days in an effort to expose them to as many words as possible. Both Mike and I are opposed to any sort of baby talk, and we pronounce our words clearly so that they can learn to speak properly.

Aidan's absolute favorite word is Truck......but he says "Tuk"....and says it constantly.

Ella learned a new word yesterday afternoon. She has become my little helper, and when I change Aidan's diaper, she loves to hand me the wipes, the new diaper and any clothes he may need.

As I was changing Aidan yesterday, Ella handed me his shirt, and I said "This is Aidan's shirt". To which she replied, "sh*t". I thought it was just a fluke until she crawled across the room and picked up her own shirt. She brought over, handed it to me in a grand manner and proudly said "Sh*t!".

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