I know you're not supposed to. But I did.
It feels like yesterday...
We watched your tiny bodies pulse with life, a mere flicker on a fuzzy, small screen. I cried as Mike held my hand.
Just yesterday we were strapping a sound machine to my growing belly in hopes of hearing you move. Any slight thump made us giddy...our hearts growing more attached through these brief encounters.
Just yesterday I felt you kick for the first time...each kick a reminder of the miracles you are.
Just yesterday I rocked you in the nursery, reading stories & telling secrets, as I daydreamed of holding you for the first time.
Just yesterday I marked each day off the calendar, another day you both stayed safely inside my belly.
Just yesterday we met you both for the first time, tiny & perfect in every way. I laughed and cried all at once. I never knew that emotion before & still can't put words to it. Nothing compares to meeting you both.
Just yesterday we stumbled through long days & even longer nights, hanging onto a thread of humor...sustained by the prayers & love of many.
Just yesterday we saw your first smiles, hung on every giggle, delighted in every newborn grunt.
Just yesterday we watched you discover one another. And we learned just how deep your companionship really was. What began in the dark, quiet shelter of my belly - just the two of you, has become fully expressed in squeals of laughter, meant only for each other.
Just yesterday you pumped your arms in excitement, reached out for us to hold you & laid your head down on our shoulder. Yours are the best hugs.
Another month has passed and you will be 14 months old tomorow. Life with both of you is a celebration of all of our yesterdays together. May there be countless yesterdays to come.
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