Wednesday, July 2, 2008

10 Weeks to 10 Months

I came across these pictures the other day while organizing my computer files.

When the babies were still taking bottles and I was alone, I would feed each baby in a Boppy pillow with myself in the middle between them. This was the only good (and easy) way to feed two babies each a bottle at the same time.

When he was little, Aidan was known for passing out in the boppy when taking his bedtime bottle.

Aidan - 10 Weeks Old

As he got older, this became an increasingly rare event. So, when it happened at 10 months old, I just had to take another picture.

Aidan - 10 Months Old

Both Ella and Aidan were off bottles and on to sippy cups by 11 months.

It still makes me sad sometimes not to have that sweet, quiet bonding time anymore. I miss my tiny little itty bitty babies!

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