Tuesday, July 8, 2008

14 Months

Ella and Aidan are 14 months old today.

And what a day we had!

Aidan developed a runny nose yesterday morning, and has had difficulty sleeping for quite a while now. Today, his nose was worse, and he began pulling on his ears. So, off to the pediatrician we went.

As it turns out, there is no cold, nor is there any ear infection.

Poor little Aidan is getting in all FOUR of his molars at once. Needless to say, things have not been pleasant around the house today.

This afternoon we made a Target run for more Tylenol, and managed to make it home just in time for the skies to open up and unleash one heck of a storm. A storm so fierce that the power went out.

Neither Ella nor Aidan would eat anything for our romantic candlelight dinner other than blueberries, watermelon and vanilla wafers. Ella's nose has also started running, and I thought I caught a glimpse of a new tooth coming in for her as well.

Everyone is finally asleep....for now...

To celebrate 14 months, here are a few new tidbits about our little miracles:

Has become my little helper. Whenever I change Aidan’s diaper, she loves to hand me the wipes, his fresh diaper, and any clothing he may need. When she hands something to me, she says "Zha" (I think it is some version of "there or that" and claps her little hands together with glee…she is so proud of herself!

LOVES to ring the doorbell

Developing a sense of pride in her accomplishments.

Beginning to throw temper tantrums. When angry, she will shake her head back and forth, ball her tiny hands into fists and shake them up and down, and arch her back - all the while kicking her legs as hard as she can.

Can show you her head, nose, ears, belly and toes

Current Words -
Hi / Bye-Bye / Uh-Oh / Mama / Dada / Shoes (well, some sort of variation that resembles shoes) / Gah (Dog) / Zha (There / That) / Bee (Ripley) / Ba (Ball) / Sh*t (Shirt)

Dear Ella -

You have really taken off this month. You try to mimic so many words and sounds. You are getting really good at crawling and cruising - I’m just waiting for you to take those first unassisted steps. You are still very people shy. It takes awhile for you to warm up to anyone other than me or your father. You definitely have a mind of your own, and are not afraid to express your opinion.…you are just like me and trust me, I am VERY scared!!

You are finally starting to get some hair….and it is pretty curly. You have eight teeth and are starting to lose your baby fat. My little baby girl is growing up. You are so happy these days. The days of ‘fussy Ella’ are long gone. You are still shy with strangers, but I’m sure it is just a matter of time before that changes as well.

You are so beautiful, fun, funny, sweet, aggressive, playful, and even mean at times. I love you to bits and bits and bits.

Stands up at everything….he loves to stand at the gate and watch us in the kitchen

Can "walk" for quite a while - assisted, of course.

Fascinated by light switches, and loves to turn them on and off. He also loves remotes and phones - basically anything with buttons

Still loves his thumb

Has figured out how to get down from the fireplace hearth. We place a couch pillow on the floor and he “dive bombs” head first into the pillow!

Can show you his head, nose, belly and toes

When he gets really excited he moves his arms back and forth like he is rowing a boat

Current Words - Uh-Oh / Duck / Tuk (Truck) / Cup / Da (There / That) / Mama /
Dada / Dah (Dog)

Dear Aidan -

You are very busy and often go from one toy to the next in seconds and I’m constantly running around trying to find things for you to play with. You somehow know when you’re not supposed to play with something and of course that is what you always make a beeline for. Outlets, cords, window blinds, …you want them all!

You are ALL boy. It is so funny to see the differences in you and your sister. She is so petite, sweet, and girly while you are my hearty, solid tank of a boy. I say you are my emotional baby. You laugh so easily, but you also cry just as easily. You are very quick to go from crying to laughing to talking to smiling to frowning to crying again.

You are still a picky eater. You pick through the food on your tray until you find what you want and then leave the rest untouched. If you don’t like the way something looks you won’t even try it. If I try to sneak it into your mouth you scream, cry, and spit it back out. One day you’ll like something and the next won’t touch it with a ten foot pole. Favorite foods: All fruits – especially blueberries and kiwi.

You have eight teeth now, with four new molars all coming in at the same time and let me tell you…teething is NOT fun for you. These past couple of weeks my perfect little sleeper doesn’t want to sleep anymore. I’m blaming teething. Hopefully soon you’ll settle back into your wonderful sleep habits.

You are still the toy thief, but Ella has started fighting back. The result is a lot of yelling, crying, and falling over from pulling on the toy so hard.

You are my sweet, chunky, fun, funny, happy, emotional little boy and I love you to bits and bits and bits.

Think it is hilarious to take off their bibs and throw their sippy cups onto the floor

Copy one another….constantly

Starting to understand the process of getting dressed. They are starting to take off their own shirts, hold up their arms to be put into sleeves, etc.

Fascinated by each other’s belly buttons

Love to “dance”. They know just what buttons to push on most of their toys to make certain “songs” that they like play. They both shake their heads and sway from side to side to the music.

Understand cause & effect.

Nod their heads “yes” and shake their heads “no”

Have conversations with each other - they babble to each other constantly....if you really pay attention you can see them nodding their heads in agreement to something the other has said. We often catch Ella looking like she is telling Aidan what to do!

Crack each other up - they really and truly laugh at each other

Can give "High Fives"

Enjoy putting toys back into the toy box and shapes into the shape sorter (not into the correct shape slot, just into the container.

Love to knock down "walls" of blocks

Love books. They wont sit still to have us read them a book, but if left on their own with books, they will both sit for quite a while flipping the pages, pointing at things and narrating to themselves or each other.

Love to give kisses – especially to each other!!

Love to call to the dogs and imitate their barks.

Understand us if we point to something and ask them to bring it to us.

Make truck sounds when pushing cars or trucks across the floor.

Dear Ella and Aidan -

You are giving whole new meaning to the word busy. You are both going in opposite directions playing who can get away the fastest. This has been a wonderful month. When I look at you now I no longer see my babies, but two individual self entertaining, almost walking toddlers. Amazing and wonderful and sad how quickly things change.

You are both on the verge of walking. You cruise around from one place to another. Gone are the days I leave you sitting on the rug and you stay put. Now I find you all over the place.

The sweetest moments are when you are playing quietly together or laughing hysterically at one another. One day while eating lunch in your high chairs I looked over and you were holding hands. My heart melted. The other day Ella, you leaned over and rested your head against Aidan - I thought my heart would burst with love. Then Aidan, you tried to give Ella a kiss. I love that you have each other to grow up with, love, play with, and watch out for.

You are our little miracles and your Daddy and I love you beyond words!!

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