Where do I begin? I dont think that your father or I ever could have anticipated the ways in which our lives would change with your arrival. We longed and yearned for you for so long, and it was worth every minute of every day.
I have something special that I have written for each of you to post on your birthday, and I dont want to share it this early. So, I will just do a status update of some things I want to remember about you both at this stage.
You are a sleeping champ. You go to bed without a fuss (but only if I put you to bed), and typically sleep at least 11 hours (sometimes 12). You are VERY particular about your crib arrangement. You must have your bear to the right and your bunny to the left. You love this bunny and typically cuddle it all night long. You now sleep on your belly and we often find you with your little butt up in the air, just like I used to sleep when I was a baby! What a complete change from just a few months ago!
You are also an eating champ. You will literally try anything that we put in front of you without hesitation. You have recently learned how to remove your bib, despite my repeatedly telling you “No” and stopping you wherever I catch you in the process. Unfortunately, you think it is hilarious and I find myself saying a harsh “No”, but cracking up because you laugh so hard. You are a slower eater than Aidan, and usually end up a bit messier at the end of the meal.
You have no desire to crawl, and are totally content to sit surrounded by toys. You have learned to wave "Bye Bye" and clap, and do both all of the time. You also can put your hands to your head when asked "Where's your head?", and look for the dogs when asked "Where's the dog?".
You are so very dainty...and all girl. You have tiny little fingers and feet compared to Aidan's chubby little boy ones. Everything about you is dainty and sweet. You started out as such a colicky and cranky little baby, and have become almost a little woman. You are a mini-me to a "T". I often find myself feeling as though I am watching myself as a baby - your features look so much like mine, and your demeanor is so much like what I have heard that I was like as a baby...I can only imagine what your Opa and Grandma Suzy think!!
You sleep good once you fall asleep, but are much more of a challenge to put to bed. You prefer to be rocked a bit and will then go down nicely. But you typically wake up in about an hour or so and fuss until someone goes to rock you again. We now typically find you sitting up (your new skill), though many times you aren't really completely awake. Unlike Ella, you don't seem to need any toys in your crib, although you have plenty!!
You are becoming a pickier eater. Things you used to gobble up you are now refusing unless we feed it to you (sliced turkey for example). You make a “yum yum yum” sound the entire time you eat. We know when you are done eating when you start swiping your hands across the highchair tray and messing with your food, or when you start taking individual pieces of food and examining them in great detail. You are very impatient when it comes to food (or your bottle for that matter) and will often scream if we don’t get it to you fast enough.
You can now crawl across the room in a flash, and it is so funny to watch you army crawl to reach your destination. Like Ella, you can also wave "Bye Bye" and clap. Also like Ella, you also can put your hands to your head when asked "Where's your head?", and look for the dogs when asked "Where's the dog?".
You have such a deep voice, and are definitely all boy with a laugh that is truly contagious. Everything is "Up" to you these days. By that I mean you are fascinated by ceiling fans, lights, pictures on the wall - basically anything that you can reach for...and you reach with all of your might. When carried, you typicaly have one arm outstretched to touch anything you can along the way.
You are a team. You now notice when one of you is in the other room, and often yell to one another. You copy each other constantly. If one of you starts banging on the highchair tray, the other will copy immediately. You steal each other's toys, and push and pull at each other to get what you want.
Here is what we do when you start fighting - your own personal containment devices!!
Just kidding - these are used for actually toy storage - you both just think it is funny to "wear" them!
You are amazing to watch together. Your interactions have truly developed into little mini conversations of "baby speak". You are also dangerous to take shopping. You both ride along in the stroller with both hands outstretched to either side. This creates lots of knocked down clothing, and sometimes (if I am not paying close enough attention), a knocked over display of some sort.
You are our dreams come true, and we are so blessed to have not just one of you to love and raise, but two at the same time. Who could possibly ask for anything more?
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