Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Babies and Dogs

Most people who know us know that Mike and I met because of our dogs. Yep, Ripley and Abby became friends before Mike and I did! They had this immediate "connection" that would draw them to one another anytime we happened to be out walking them at the same time. Many dogs out there love to greet other dogs, but there was just something different about these two.

Mike says that Abby even knew the sound of my car over any other. I lived on the floor above Mike, and he says that whenever I would pull in the parking lot, Abby would jump up on the couch and go nuts whining and barking to go outside because she knew that I would be coming in and going right back outside with Ripley.

Since having the babies, our poor dogs have taken a serious second place. I always swore that would never happen, but it did. The poor things just dont get the attention that they used to. We love them just the same, but things and priorities just seem to get shifted. I feel like such a rotten dog Mom..Ripley was my life and my therapist. She "nursed" me through my beloved cat Winston's death just a month before our wedding. She licked my face and stayed by my side when all I could do was cry as we struggled through 3 years of infertility treatments. After the miscarriage, she hugged me the best that she could when I didnt get out of bed for a week, and once I did, would just keep dropping to the floor in tears.

In terms of the twins, Abby could care less. She was initially curious, but now she pretty much ignores them. Ripley on the other hand, simply cannot get enough of them. She is ALWAYS right there with them...I think she thinks that they are her babies.

I thought it might be fun to post a few pics of our Dog-Mom in action, guarding over her precious little twins with the same love and attention she has given me over the years.

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