Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9 Months and Counting!

Well, the babies had their 9 month check-up this morning and all went well. No shots, but they did get their fingers pricked to test for anemia - both tested just fine.

Here are the latest stats:
21 pounds
29 1/4 inches long

25 pounds 3 ounces
30 1/2 inches long

The Dr gave us the OK to feed them pretty much anything with the exception of shellfish, honey or peanut butter. He also said that they are the picture of perfect health and that they will be moving about much more in the coming weeks.

I have been concerned that neither one is crawling or really pulling up just yet, but he said not to be concerned at all, and asked if I had ever seen a 2 year old that wasnt walking. According to him, they will do it when they want to and when they are ready.

On the flip side, they are both well ahead of the curve with their early mastering of their sippy cups and ability to feed themselves finger foods. He said they are also doing really well with their vocal and social skills and their interactions with each other are fantastic.
So, all in all, it was a great visit (especially with no shots!). Oh, and we are also supposed to have them switched from formula to whole milk around 11 months.

They are so absolutely adorable these days. They discovered each other a while ago, but in the past two weeks, have found that they have the ability to make each other laugh. The other day we were driving somewhere and I heard laughing and commotion in the back seat. I looked back to see them cracking up at each other and chewing their toes. They also copy / mimic each other. What one does, the other is sure to follow suit!

A few other interesting tidbits:
Likes: to scream with delight / joy; to bounce / jump; making a mess in the bathtub
Dislikes: elevators; the vacuum cleaner; strangers

Likes: his thumb; being pushed around the kitchen in his highchair; taking off his socks and chewing on them
Dislikes: having his face and hands wiped after a meal; wearing a hat

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