Left behind are the days of pure childhood innocence - the sweetness of preschool and the relaxed schedule without homework and the freedom to take vacations whenever we chose.
Here today are the 6:30 AM wakeups to rush out the door to make either carpool or the bus, the afternoon rush to after school activities, tardy bells and abiding by the school calendar for dates that we now must plan our vacations around.
I knew all of this going in to it last week.
What I did not know, and was not prepared for, was the overwhelming emotions I would feel with the first assignment brought home by the kids for my signature.
So strange that such a small detail would push me over the edge. It wasn't the insane amount of school supplies we had to purchase (over $200) or the uniform requirement (which I LOVE!). It wasn't even the first day jitters and tears from the kiddos, or watching them walk away from my van during carpool or hopping off the bus in the afternoon.
It was two simple pieces of paper that smacked me in the face with reality.
My babies are growing up and in real school now with real homework and real grades. This is it - the journey to college and adulthood begins now. I know that sounds extreme, and to a degree, it is. But when I think of the bigger picture, the structure for good learning / study habits are set in these early years.
The kids were both so very proud of their very first graded assignment...
...and were quick to tell me that they both made 100, "That is a perfect score, Mommy!". I love that they are so proud, and that the teachers insist upon parental involvement. This is my kind of place!
And before you think that the date on the bottom of Ella's paper is wrong....it is correct. Europeans write the day, then month, then year.
We are so blessed to be at such an amazing school. Not even one full week into it and both Ella and Aidan can recite all of the colors of the rainbow in German and almost have counting to 10 downpat as well.
And the most important thing - they are having FUN!
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