Thursday, July 7, 2011

Family Update

Grandma Shushi has been with us since Lauren's birth and has done more than her fair share of laundry, cooking cleaning, and entertining of the resident four-year olds! We are beyond grateful for all of the help, and are already sad that she will be leaving tomorrow.

Ella and Aidan are doing really well. They are both a bit more clingy and whiny than normal, but are doing amazing considering that we brought a new life into their family structure. 

They have received some wonderful gifts from family members - gifts just for them - and they are thrilled each time the UPS man shows up!

Mike has done an amazing job of making sure that Ella and Aidan get to play each day - something fun just for them - whether it be a trip to the park or pool - it is important to us not to monkey around with their normal routine too much.

I am still pretty much house bound due the surgery and the fact that I cannot drive for another week...and due to this....

I am beyond swollen - all the way up past my knees. I have a hard time just walking, never mind stairs, as I cannot bend what is left of my (now indescernable) knees. Other than that, I am healing from the C-Section just fine.

As for Lauren - she could not be more of a dream baby. She sleeps and eats like a champ, and hardly ever even makes a sound or fuss except to let you know she needs a diaper change or to eat. We have to wake her at night to eat - if we didn't, she would sleep all night!

She had her first check up at the pediatrician today and is in perfect health all around! At birth she was 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and when we left on July 4 she was an even 7 pounds. Today, she weighed in at 7 pounds 4 ounces, so she is regaining weight nicely.

She never even really woke up at the Dr, even during the weight check and exam.

Overall, life in the Parker household is wonderful! A bit hectic a times, but we really could not ask for anything else - we are thrilled to finally be a family of five!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are settling in well. Your legs look like mine did! Please, let me know if there is anything I can do and I would love to come by and see you. Just let me know. -Dana