Wednesday, June 29, 2011

39 Weeks

I am officially 39 week pregnant - as pregnant in weeks as I am in years!

I can no longer find my ankles and my feet are so swollen that they hurt and I cannot bend my toes. Acid reflux and heartburn are in full force and there is no longer much I can do to get comfortable. I always sound like I have just finished running up a flight of stairs, as it seems that I am consistently out of breath.

Hard to believe that I carried two babies last time and it felt like a much easier pregnancy.... but then again I was also five years younger and not keeping up with two four-year olds!

At any rate, it is a tad bittersweet to be approaching the end of the pregnancy. Albeit an unexpected tremendous first (pregnancy without the help of science), it is also a tremendous conclusion to our journey as a family. This is most definitely our last baby and as tired and swollen as I may be, I intend to savor each and every last moment!

How Far Along:
39 Weeks

Baby Stats: 
She should be over 7 pounds by now. She is "launch ready", head down and curled up with her legs on her chest and knees against her nose.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 
Around 20 pounds (as of last Friday)

Despite being full-term, she is still very active and moves around quite a bit. 

Hoping for sleep to return in about 18 years once she heads off to college!.

What I miss: 
WINE and sushi!

Subway Turkey Sandwiches, Crushed Ice, Watermelon, Orange Gatorade, Unsweet Tea with lemon


Elizabeth said...


Anonymous said...

I just looked at your sure don't look 39 years old...39 weeks preggo maybe...but you really look fabulous.

Good luck with the delivery and getting those twins adjusted to life with a baby in the house :)


Anonymous said...

You look beautiful! Good luck on Friday. Can't wait to hear your news!