Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hide And Seek

Both Aidan and Ella know just how to play Hide and Seek.

They both will cover their eyes and count to 10 while the other will run and hide somewhere in the house. Neither is very good at staying hidden - they both tend to come running shouting "Here I am!" when they hear the number 10.

Until yesterday.

Apparently, Ella has finally figured out the fun in staying hidden.

We were getting ready to go run a few errands and could not find Ella anywhere. Finally, I followed the giggles...yes, she has figured out how to stay hidden, just not how to keep from giving her hiding place away!

She had dumped all of the dress up clothes out of their "treasure chest" (as they call it) and climbed inside. Although he would not claim to have been in on it, someone (i.e. Aidan) had to have placed the top on the treasure chest and I know it was not myself or Mike!

I do have to say, she is the best thing I ever found in any treasure box!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is adorable! -Dana