Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Maid

I have always said, and still believe, that there is no reason for a stay-at-home Mom to have a maid. The way I see it, cleaning the house is simply part of my job description. 

That being said, I am not opposed to a little unpaid maid assistance every once in a while - even if she is dressed funny and creates more mess than she actually cleans!


Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

I'm going to remember this when you are a millionaire and want to get a housekeeper!! LOL!!

So cute Ella - when she's done with your house, can you send her my way? xoxo

Jane said...

I would have a maid if the budget allowed in a heart beat. As it is my children are cleaning the bathrooms.
I would pay extra if the maid did laundry.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I love the outfit. -Dana

Megan said...

I with Jane- Whenever Ron goes to run errands, I always ask if he could find me someone to clean the house. A live in is what I need!! That being said- just wait until they are actually able to help. The boys really like to clean if only they liked to pick up toys!!!