Friday, July 24, 2009

Flashback Friday

I just love my little loves and love how much they love each other!

Each day, more and more, I can see that Ella and Aidan have a bond that is unparalleled. And although they possess the ability to make me question my sanity, not a day passes where I don't thank my lucky stars for them. They are the best gifts I have ever received and more importantly, they are the best gifts to each other.

One of the simple wonders of having multiples is witnessing their bond - the type of bond that ONLY exists amongst multiples.  Despite what some may think, siblings close in age, even just a year apart, simply are not the same thing, nor are they "just like having twins".

Multiples share everything from the very moment of conception.  They grow and develop inside the womb in constant contact, entwined together sharing a fairly confined space.  They enter the world craving the closeness of their sibling and the familiarity of their touch.

Ella and Aidan are no exception. They are each others "other half" and have found joy and comfort in one another since Day 1. 


Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

This is for sure my favorite post. Isn't it amazing to witness that special bond between twins?

Anonymous said...

So very true! I am amazed every day at the bond mine have. -Dana