Thursday, July 9, 2009

26 Months

I know I said that I would stop counting the months after Ella and Aidan turned two, but for some reason I cannot bring myself to do so just yet.  

Perhaps I am trying desperately to cling to some sort of vestige of babyhood.  

Or maybe it is simply that I have spent the last few years of my life counting out days, weeks and months - and has just become a part of the daily routine.

In the beginning, it was a way to keep count of injection and procedure schedules.  Then we graduated to the repeated "two week wait" time periods (I wont explain - anyone who has been in our shoes knows exactly what I mean).  After that was simple a daily mark on the calendar meaning we had made it through one more day and were that much closer to actually bringing home our babies. 

So, counting and marking off milestones is just what I do. It is familiar territory for me and just something I take great comfort in doing.

Anyway - on to what Ella and Aidan are up to these days.  


*  Still very much the boss and is definitely more assertive than Aidan. Her biggest vice is toy stealing and she finds herself in time-out quite a bit these days!

*  Hates to wear bows in her hair!

*  So very careful about trying new things or venturing too far from Mommy’s arms

Ella is my heart. She is all happiness and innocence, and I love her beyond words. She is my comfort in human form. She gives a bounty of love in the form of kisses and hugs, and blankets us with sweet baby chub.


*  Has a strange fascination with carrying around DVD cases (i.e. “books”) – “Toy Story” in particular

*  Loves to run up and fly into your arms shouting “I Got You!”

*  Still just so darn sweet that it brings tears to your eyes 

Aidan is my laughter, and my smile. He makes a gray and gloomy day full of sunshine. He is my sweetness. When things seem dull and bitter, a piece of Aidan will always bring delight to your soul.


*  Can count to 10, know all of their colors, shapes and the alphabet (including the sounds each letter makes)

*  Are little chatterboxes and speak in complete sentences

*  LOVE to sing and dance!  They are both really good at singing “Happy Birthday to You”, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”, “Old MacDonald”, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”, “Ring Around the Rosie”, and “Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes”

*  Are very into possession – constantly telling me “Aidan’s XXX” or “Ella's XXX”

*  Love to be little helpers in any way possible – folding laundry, loading the dishwasher, drying dishes, cleaning up their toys, etc.

*  Going through a phase in which they want to be carried all of the time.  When they first started walking, it was such an insult to them to be carried – they wanted, demanded actually, to walk.  These days; however, being carried seems to be back in favor.

*  Abandoning the stroller - Our trip to the beach back in June was the first time we have not brought along a stroller.  That seems to have set the stage, and we rarely, if ever, use a stroller anymore.  I have gotten adventurous in my old age and we now venture into all sorts of stores on our own two feet – Target, Harris Teeter, bookstores, toy stores, etc – basically anywhere!

*  Know their first and last names (not middle names) and can properly identify all of their friends and family members in pictures

*  Love to take turns and announce “Aidan’s turn” or “Ella’s turn”

*  Are generally very well-behaved, kind, and well-mannered little toddlers who simply adore each other – they hug quite often!

Everyday they learn new things whether they are words, colors, letters, numbers, or objects. We have so much fun playing and running and cuddling. I am saddened and excited at the same time to see them grow and learn and turn into wonderful little children leaving babyhood far behind. 

Together they are my imagination brought to life.  When we question the world, and our various problems and struggles, we look at the miracles that are Ella and Aidan and smile and take comfort that dreams really do come true.

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