Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekend Fun

We kicked off the weekend on Friday evening by enjoying dinner with the boys:

Saturday was low key and filled with errands and chores around the house.....but Sunday brought about FUN!  We packed up our trio and headed to Greenville for the day to meet up with Opa and Grandma Shushi!

It was Lauren's first trip to a new state, and her first car ride longer than about 45 minutes and she did great! We had a nice bagel breakfast and then loaded up and made the 2 hour drive in no time....without a single stop, making it there in time to play a bit while waiting for Opa and Grandma Shushi to arrive....

We had lunch at a little Mexican restaurant....

....shopped a bit in the cute little stores, took an ice cream break, and played in Falls Park....

...and concluded our day with dinner at a BBQ restaurant....

We headed home at around 7:15, making it back to Charlotte around 9PM with three sleeping kiddos!

What a wonderful weekend it was!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Ella is a such a fashionista. I heart her.