Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bug Walk

In our household, the hours from about 5 PM until 7 PM are the most chaotic. 

I often find myself struggling to prepare dinner for Ella and Aidan while at the same time trying to feed Lauren her dinnertime bottle. Then it is upstairs for baths and bedtime for the big kids, typically with me balancing Lauren on my hip or trying to keep her happy in the bouncy seat.

There are often tears and whining...it is my least favorite time of the day.

On the days when Mike is home, I get a little relief and he will often take Lauren on what we have come to call a "bug walk". The cicadas are still out in full force around our neighborhood and they provide a chorus of sounds that put Lauren into a bit of a trance. 

It works like a charm!

1 comment:

Jane said...

I have said for yours if you polled stay at home mothers who ran away from home - the decision would have been made from 4:30 - 7. Hang in there it gets easier, and better!