Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekend Escape

This past weekend, for the first time ever, Mike and I escaped for a quick beach getaway - just the two of us.  

Although I have now been told that I am terrible at being away from my little loves, we both managed to relax and unwind for a little while. Naps poolside, long walks on the beach, dinners by the water, and simply not having to be any place at any certain time were so foreign to us, yet so deeply enjoyed.

My parents are amazing - and had such fun with Ella and Aidan. They came bearing fun new presents and spent the weekend enjoying fun lunches out at their favorite Mexican and German restaurants, taking long walks and tricycle rides, and playing in the park.

I don't know how in the world to thank Opa and Grandma Shushi - there simply are not words. 

There is something so comforting in leaving your little ones with grandparents who absolutely, wholeheartedly adore the kids. They did not plop them in front of the television as a babysitter (which I despise!) - they treasured every precious moment and were active participants in simply having FUN with Ella and Aidan and delighting in the amazing little people that they are all too quickly becoming.

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