Thursday, September 2, 2010

Watering the Plants

The kiddos had an exciting morning yesterday filled with lots of art and geography. It is amazing how fast their little brains absorb and retain things these days. By the time I returned home, Ella and Aidan had painted "earths" and told me all sorts of things that they learned with Mrs. Paula:

Santa and polar bears live at the North Pole.

Madagascar is in Africa.

Panda bears live in China.

Italy is shaped like a boot.

The blue parts of the globe are oceans.

Ella and Aidan have known all sorts of other geographical information for a while now (Opa and Grandma Shushi live in Atlanta, Uncle Chris, Aunt Emily and baby Mia live in New Jersey, Opa's salon is in the mountains, and we live in Charlotte), but I have to admit that I am really impressed with all they learned in just a few hours with Mrs. Paula - we LOVE you Mrs. Paula!!

Keeping with the theme of learning new things, while the kids and I spent our time after naps cleaning up the backyard and doing this ....

.... Ella and Aidan watered the plants a bit differently earlier in the day with Mrs. Paula!

While playing outside, Aidan told Mrs. Paula that he needed to go to the bathroom and wanted to "water the plants" she obliged. A little background - back when we were potty training Aidan, several people told us to let him try going outside - we had always offered and he never would do it - until yesterday!

In typical twin fashion, what one does, so must the other - and Ella followed up with her request to do the same.

While it is obviously a bit more of an endeavor for a girl, Mrs. Paula got Ella all settled and into position....only the result was a little more "solid". Yikes!

Too funny - needless to say, we have now had several discussions about what to do and what NOT to do if it is necessary to use the potty outside!

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