Friday, September 3, 2010

Flashback Friday

From newborns sharing a room.... getting their own rooms at nine months old.... big kid beds!

 I have no idea why I waited so long to post pictures of Ella and Aidan's "big kid" rooms.  We transitioned them back in February! Shame on me!  Anyway - the kiddos have done great in their big beds and have never gotten out of bed even once. 

I was told once by someone with twin boys that based upon her experience, I would wind up having to remove everything from their rooms because it basically would wind up being mass chaos and a never ending playtime each night.

Although the thought did cross my mind - I am so glad that I didn't heed the warning. Perhaps it is just because we took a different approach than most people since their birth in relation to their bedrooms. Basically, their rooms are for quiet time only - reading books, winding down after baths, talking about the day and going to sleep.  We have never played or had a bunch of toys in their rooms. 

Whatever the reason, Ella and Aidan have been wonderful and just adore their rooms!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh my!!! I love Ella's room (well I love them both) But I want her room :)