Sunday, August 1, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond!

It was sometime in late 2008 when Aidan first watched the movie that would eventually etch itself into our lives.

At the time, the only children’s videos we owned were Baby Einstein – and those had long since lost their appeal to our little duo.  In my desperate attempt to gain a few moments of peace to prepare dinner, I frantically searched for something….anything…. that would grab Ella and Aidan’s attention for longer than 30 seconds.  I found the only other cartoon looking video we owned and popped it in the DVD player.

It worked, and Aidan was simply mesmerized.

From the moment the movie began, Woody, Buzz, Rex, Jessie, Bullseye, Ham and the gang became a part of us. 

By the time Christmas and his birthday rolled around that year, every character in Toy Story that those sweet little hands could carry went everywhere Aidan went. I can't count how many days we have sat and watched and re-watched that video.

Life seems so simple when your biggest problem is that you have lost Woody's hat or that Buzz's batteries have died. These toys have become a staple in our lives.  

Toy Story 3 has been out now since my birthday back in June - but Aidan was not allowed to go see the movie until he was sufficiently potty trained.

Yesterday afternoon we finally ventured out to see the latest Toy Story installment. I had no idea what to expect, but I had heard that it was a tear-jerker.

From the moment Woody came on the screen my eyes welled up with tears. In a bittersweet twist Aidan’s three-year old little hand grabbed his Daddy's and held tight throughout the movie.

An hour and a half later Andy was heading off to college saying goodbye to his toy friends forever and I couldn't help but feel the sting of time's merciless passing. The realization that time and change spare no one is sobering. I know that saying goodbye to Buzz and Woody is just around the corner and I'll never be ready.


And even though Aidan’s name will long since have been scratched off the bottom of Woody's boot, somehow I'll be ok knowing that hearing him excitedly scream the words “Buzz Wightyear – To Infinity, and Beyond!” will be written on my heart always and forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute post. I don't have children, but I like Toy Story! They are very cute movies.