Sunday, August 22, 2010

Simple Sunday

After a nice bagel breakfast and trip to play on the tractors at Lowes, we spent the rest of the morning splashing about at the pool. 

The kiddos loved swimming in their rings (is that what they are called?) and Aidan asked over and over (and over) to be tossed in the air as high as Mike could safely pull it off. I still have no idea how he stayed in the ring with each higher and higher toss, but he did and he LOVED every minute!  Ella was not at all interested in the whole tossing game - she preferred to quietly swim around the entire pool multiple times. That little lady is a water baby through and through and is quite a fast swimmer!

After so much excitement and activity, it was time for lunch and to quiet down a bit - Ella and Aidan have clearly got this relaxing thing down pat!

1 comment:

Paula said...