Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stomach Bug

Things have been a little crazy around here the past few days. We spent all day Friday and Saturday in our PJ's!

Poor Ella woke up at about 12:30 AM Friday morning vomiting. This continued just about each hour all morning long and throughout the day on Friday. Needless to say, it was a rough go for a while there since Mike was at work the entire time.

Mike finally got home late Friday evening and ended up staying home from work today to help out one very tired Mommy!

Luck was on our side though - Aidan never got sick and Ella was perfectly fine by late this afternoon.

Poor Ella felt so terrible - she literally did not eat hardly anything for two days, and it was a struggle to even get her to drink.

Thus, I got a bit creative and resorted to popsicles as a form of liquid. And what one twin has, so must the other!


Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

I'm so glad Ella is feeling better!

Elizabeth said...

Glad Ella is feeling better. Gabriella and I got the bug too last week. Hope you all have a great Christmas :)