Thursday, September 3, 2009

Drama Queen

Ella has a new habit.  She has always been quite dramatic, but has recently taken it to a new level.

When she gets upset, she now clasps her hands over her eyes and makes a big production, followed by lying down on the floor and curling into a little ball.

She is not picky at all about where she performs - anywhere will do.  The driveway, the car, Target, the grocery store, the park....yes, they have all been privileged enough to witness our little angel's sweet performances.

It is so much fun.  I just love having everyone stare at me (Aidan included) and give me that scowled face that either says, "What have you done to your child" or "Geez lady, can't you control your own kid?".

Alas, something tells me that our little drama queen has all kinds of tricks up her sleeves that will be revealed throughout the upcoming years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, that looks so familiar. It must be a girl thing ;) -Dana