Thursday, August 27, 2009

30 Minute Playdate

Tuesday morning the kids and I headed over to a local spot to meet Juliane and Patrick & Finnegan for a morning get together.  

We wanted something outside and that was at least semi-enclosed to make it easier to keep up with four toddlers who find it outrageously funny to all take off in different directions, thus leaving us Moms to make the decision as to who to chase first based upon which one is in the most immediate danger.

We wound up at Elon Park soccer fields.  The entire thing is fenced in (with a gate!) and is a huge place with so much room to run and play.  We brought soccer balls and our game faces - Juliane and I were both excited to let them run and perhaps have at least 10 minutes to actually chat for a moment. 

All went well for about 15 minutes.  Then someone wanted juice, and another wanted to be held, and then.......

Someone figured out how to open the gate, and it all took a quick downward turn into a huddle with 40 little fingers trying to squeeze around Juliane and I, determined to act as a group to get at the gate latch.

The tears soon followed, and that was that.

It WAS fun while it lasted though!!

1 comment:

Juliane M. Kilcoyne said...

hmmm...i wonder who it was that figured out the gate?!?! It was fun while it lasted, lol!