Monday, April 27, 2009

The Best Ever Playmate - Your Twin!

Ella and Aidan have recently discovered the pure joy of playing chase with each other.  We have now removed all of the gates downstairs with the exception of the computer area and the top / bottom of the stairs. With this new freedom, they quickly realized that they could make a loop from the kitchen, through the dining room, through the entry hallway, through the living room and back through the kitchen. 

Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat…..

They will do this for at least ½ hour at a time, screaming and laughing with glee, until they are both panting like little dogs and simply cannot go anymore.  

It is wonderful! They literally wear themselves out!

The fantastic duo in action:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very sweet! Mine do the same thing, still to this day and call each other best friends. -Dana