Wednesday, March 28, 2012

St. Patricks Day - A Little Late!

I am such a bad blogger once again. But after being up until past 1 AM last night, I got up and showered this morning at 5:50 in the hopes of getting at least this one blog post completed before the kids woke up.

No such luck.

Ella and Aidan are sound asleep, but little Miss Lauren decided it was time to get up at 6:35. I literally cannot catch a break.

So, yet another rushed and hurried post.....

The kiddos were thrilled to wake up on St Patrick's Day morning to discover that Louie the Leprechaun had made a special visit from preschool to our house overnight!

The playroom was a mess, toys were hanging out in Lauren's exersaucer and jumparoo, toilet paper was down the hallway and he even left a mess on the kitchen counter - can you spot the footprints?

He was kind enough to leave a note for the kiddos....on the bathroom mirror in lipstick!

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