Thursday, March 1, 2012


Happy 8 Months Old Lauren!

Time. It just will not slow down no matter how much I beg and plead. You change so very much each and every day, and we are suddenly finding ourselves saying "Do you remember when Ella/Aidan did this?" as you begin to make sounds and movements that they made at about this age.

We really have no set schedule, which is the complete antithesis of how life was when your brother and sister were this age. Due to their preschool schedule, you pretty much take both your morning and afternoon naps in the car....which means that twice a day, for two hours, I am trapped in the car while you sleep peacefully in the back seat. I have definitely caught up on my reading!

Aside from that, the days are filled in increments of keeping everyone entertained, which you are fine with as long as I am nearby.

This past month brought your first time with the sippy cup....

.... your first time taking off and eating your socks (which is now a favorite past time!)....

.... your first time standing - and now that is all you want to do - you absoutely love to stand....

....your first time truly splashing and living it up in the bathtub....

.... your first story time at the library....

.... plenty of play dates with your "birthday buddies"....

.... your first time really enjoying the swings at the park...

.... and just yesterday I caught you doing this (looks like we may have a baby on the move before too long!)....

Although I cannot manage a decent picture, you also got your third tooth - your upper left has now joined your bottom two, and you are already a champ at grinding your teeth!

You are now saying "Dada", "Mama", and "NayNay".

You absolutely LOVE to eat - and would prefer food over your bottle any day! We can no longer get by at a meal without giving you something off of our plate - puffs are no longer sufficient!

I am guessing you weigh somewhere around 18 pounds and you have now officially moved into 9 month clothing - still in a size 3 diaper.

Sleep continues to be our biggest and most frustrating issue. You are the lightest sleeper and even the slightest movement or sound has you awake in the blink of an eye. We have yet to get longer than a 3 hour stint of sleep out of you...ever!

Sweet Lauren, you are such a bright, sweet, smart girl. You have both a serious side (much like Aidan) and a very silly side (much like Ella).

It is my greatest honor to be your Mother - you are an absolute treasure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so cute!! I can't believe she is 8 months already!!! -Dana