Saturday, February 25, 2012


I have been absent on this blog for what seems like an eternity.

Posts are rushed, if done at all.

I owe my family and followers an apology, but life just seems to be getting the better of me these days.

With a husband who is only home on an average of 24 or so hours in a given week, I basically function as a single mother.  I may be a stay-at-home mom, but I really hold three full-time jobs.

First and foremost are the kids and husband. Simply maintaining the house, laundry, grocery shopping, school schedules, homework (yes, even pre-schoolers do have homework!), meals, and cleaning are more than a full time job! I am not ok with a dirty house, unmade beds or unkempt looking children and therefore refuse to let anything just slide.

Second is my Executive Board postion with Charlotte Mothers of Multiples.As the VP of Communications, I manage the monthly newsletter, Facebook Page and all internal (and often external) communications within the club. This alone averages roughly 20 hours per week.

Next is my business - FireWife Photography. Maintaining my website:

Facebook Page (which, if you are a follower I would love to have you "like" my page!)

And completing all of my sessions and post-processing editing with my beloved clients, this alone is another full-time job. I probably spend around 30-50 hours per week on just FireWife Photography related items, give the season.

So, in all,  I am struggling to stay afloat - both just with the day to day and with my mental state of being.

Someone very near and dear to me de-friended me almost 3 years ago stating that I could not possibly understand how difficult her life was when she had her third child (fellow twin mommy who had a singleton post twins) and that she preferred to only be friends with those who could relate to her new life.

Who knew that I would one day join her in the twins +1 club! But, she was right. I had no clue - the third child adds an entirely new dimension (i.e. flashback) of naps, feeding and sleep schedules and just overall - more work.

But today, I just have to laugh. Her husband comes home each and every night and is home every weekend and every holiday.  She is given time to exercise, blog, or just do whatever in the evenings and on weekends as he is always there to relieve her after a long day and have fun in family / holiday adventures.

So, while she was initially correct, she is oh-so very deeply incorrect.

I say all of this as part excuse, part apology. This very blog has been so near and dear to me and my family since I began writing back in 2007, and to have let it slip like this is unforgiveable in my mind. This is my legacy to my little ones and it is so imperative to me to document each and every moment - the good AND the bad!

I am ashamed to admit that I have missed quite a few moments as of late.

I promise to get back on track.


Karen said...

I love your blog and have enjoyed watching your kids grow, but I agree, family comes first. You are an awesome mom if you can get all that you do, done. Take it one day at a time and do what you can. Your children will cherish the time you made for them. God bless you and your family.

Jane said...

Hang in there , some seasons in life are just harder then others. My suggestion is cut back on something for awhile until you get your head about water. You are doing a good job.