Sunday, November 6, 2011

Lauren's Baptism

Today we had Lauren baptized at the same church as Ella and Aidan. 

She was absolutely gorgeous in the same dress that Ella wore, complete with her silver cross from Mema and a new monogrammed bracelet from Mike and I and the kids.

It was a beautiful (albeit long - in fact so long that Lauren wound up having to take her morning nap in my arms!) ceremony and we all celebrated with a nice brunch afterwards.

Later in the afternoon we headed out to one of my most popular photo shoot locations so that we could get some fresh air and I could take the kiddos holiday pictures.

I won't reveal the good shots just yet, but here are a few of the outtakes that just make me laugh:

It was wonderful to spend such precious time with family this weekend, and we cannot wait to spend a week at the beach with Opa and Grandma Shushi over Christmas! 

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